Thursday, January 13, 2011

Manga: A Toy with Sadness

Happy New Year! 
I wish your 2011 will be a memorable one!

I'm wishing for more Yaoi mangas to be available online or else I'm going to die of "yaoi starvation"! With all the in and out fuss going around about this genre to be banned in Japan, well it's in adult category so I guess we are pass that issue. The licensing of several famous mangas outside Japan will also have effects on the work of scanlation groups'  like they have to stop scanlating a licensed manga in USA and it's been a growing trend. You will be angry, BUT do not blame the scanlation groups. We should be thankful they offered free stuff online and well, we can buy the manga when we can, right? So let's hope to find a keepsake, buy them, and continue supporting the mangakas! Don't forget to thank the scanlation groups on their forum! :D

I will start year 2011 with a 1 Volume manga by CJ Michalski. The mangaka is one of my favorite artists. It's neatly scanlated by Liquid Passion so if you want to have this on your hard drive, please visit their website.

The first 3 chapters is the main story  about a young, sadist Seme and an older, submissive Uke. Both in their high school. If you like a bit of these: torture, possessiveness, rape, butt plugs - then you might try reading it, if you haven't yet. The rest of the stories are one-shots where I will post the characters later on.

Nonomura Shinobu (Uke)
 The eldest amongst his siblings, he came from a poor family with many children. When his father fell ill, their small family-run business went downhill. He decided to find work at the Hanabishi family and that's where he met Kengo. He is his master.  Their sexual relationship started when one day as they were hiding inside the closet, his master molested him. That day changed their 'simple' master-slave relationship into a darker one.

He studies at Hanabishi Academy where only the well-off goes. But because of his work connection with the Hanabishi's, he was admitted and became the senpai of Kengo. As an outcast, he never had any friends until he met the transferred student, Yasouka. One time, he stayed with him in the library. He was caught by Kengo who was impatiently waiting to have lunch with his toy and ended up raped in the Information Room. Unfortunately for Yasouka, he learned who is Shinobu to Hanabishi Kengo. It's not known why he transferred school a few days later so Shinobu lost an only friend.  

Depress about the thought of being  Kengo's toy, he decided to leave the family, work in a company and not continue college. When Kengo found out about it, he raped him and never made it to the interview. After that, he decided to finally leave being his slave then went back to his family. Fortunately, their family business is back on track so he helped his dad. While with his family, all he ever think about is Kengo. What is going on?


Physical Attributes and Personality: 
He's not very slender nor very tall but he's quite cute. Normally, he's insecure because he lives in a world where only rich people go. His strongest characteristic I think, is that of being a submissive uke. He is a very  patient, caring, have perseverance, and family-oriented person that he would sacrifice everything for them. Because he is shy, he won't admit that he quite enjoys being a sex slave of Kengo, instead he complains. He thinks that Kengo sees him only as a "toy" so he's afraid he will be thrown aside someday. He had a long way to understand a sadist's love.

He runs errand for Kengo even buying sex toys at sex shops. He tends on Kengo's sexual needs, with or without toys. Most of the time he will be raped. He also do some house work around the Hanabishi's house.

Hanabishi Kengo (Seme)
 The only son of the rich Hanabishi Family. He became the young master of Shinobu after meeting him at his house, at a much younger age. He called Shinobu his "new toy" so their first meeting was memorable because Shinobu slapped his hand. He found that interesting so the poor boy was offered work. As they were growing up, he tricked him by telling his bodyguard to pretend that he's looking for him so he can hide with Shinobu in the closet. That's where the sexual assault started and Shinobu became his sex slave - his "most" interesting toy.

During high school, Shinobu became his senpai. They would usually eat lunch and go home together. Sometimes he would tease his slave by asking him to buy sex toys in a sex shop while on his school uniform. Because of his misbehavior and aggressive moves, he gave a wrong impression that he's only using Shinobu for sex and will throw him aside whenever he gets tired of him- just like his play toys . But actually, he doesn't want to let go of Shinobu because he likes him alot. He confessed to him after sleeping on his bed - well it was more of sleep talking on things he cannot tell when he's awake.


Physical Attributes and Personality: 
Well-built man, much bigger than Shinobu although he's a year younger than him. Spoiled, aggressive, arrogant, and impatient. A completely sadistic and young seme, one of the reasons I like him because he never stops pursuing Shinobu and when he starts being a wanton, he continues it 'till the end regardless of the place and time. *Rawr*  ^_^
He never admits that he likes Shinobu, but he actually cares for him. His possessiveness towards him is quite enormous.

His favorite hobby and interest is playing with his human toy - Shinobu. He loves putting butt plugs on him then tease him in school. Because of his built figure, I think he is active in sports or frequently work out in a gym.  He would choose to be absent in school to have sex at home.
He drinks alcoholic stuff and encourages Shinobu to do so because when the latter is drunk, he become lustful and revealing.


 It's been snowing once in awhile and I always wanted to make a snowman.
I hope this year I can make one...

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