Thursday, July 29, 2010

Manga: Cry for the Sun

The 3rd story of  "Ake Nure Goyou ni Furu Yuki wa"  by Hori Tomoki is also a one-shot.  It is the 5th Chapter of the manga that centers on a very young man and an older adult man. I can say it is my least favorite out of the 3 stories but the character faces show detailed emotion that it pains me reading the story at thesame time loving the beautiful faces. ^_^

Oliver (Uke)

He is a former University lover of Ethan's father. He wasn't chosen to be his lover for life because Ethan's dad wanted to have a family. He still became the family's friend and that's how he got acquainted with Ethan. During Ethan's dad funeral, he came late and that's when Ethan found him - in tears. When Ethan was a kid, he was his caretaker. He really loves Ethan and at some point he strangled him then he fled and never showed his face to Ethan again until the funeral, which was years later where the boy is already grown up. 

30 +
Unknown, but he's the tall type
Physical Attributes and Personality: 
Kind face, a massochist, keeps his unrequited love for Ethan's dad and ended up loving the kid in the end
 He used to babysit Ethan and loves to visit the family regularly. But after they met at the funeral, sensei did not tell about his current profession.

Ethan (Seme)

During his dad's funeral he met again with Oliver. He collapsed after running after him then he learned later on that his memory of Oliver was forced to be erased due to a childhood incident. He figured out that Oliver is his dad's lover before and hates him for making Oliver suffer. He's in-love with him and always want to be with him so after the 2nd time that they got together he did not let him go. 

 between 16-18 (?)
Unknown, but he's quite tall and nice built
Curly , short / Brown
Physical Attributes and Personality: 
Quite cute, has an amnesia because a part of his memory about Oliver was erased forcibly, energetic, madly in-love with Oliver, hates his dad cos of Oliver
Student. Waiting for Oliver all his youthful life. ^_^

Well finally the 3rd couple in "Ake Nure Goyou n Furu Yuki wa"  is exposed to you! Don't forget to check the Yaoi Quotes Page for quotes that I like or love from the manga. I thank Attractive Fascinante scanlation group for scanlating the manga to english. Without you, I wouldn't be able to read it. Muwahs!

Yaoi Madness!!!

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